ANZAC Cottage Remembrance Day Sunset Service (Head Boy & Head Girl)
ANZAC Cottage Remembrance Day Sunset Service (Head Boy & Head Girl)
Executive Meeting
Week 9
ODE Year 12 Snorkelling Day Trip
Pastoral - whole school assembly
Advisory Council
Aranmore Fun Run
Easter Liturgy Period 1
End Term 1
Interim Reports Released
Good Friday
School Holidays
Easter Sunday
School holidays
Term 2 commences
Week 1
Year 7 Activity Day 1
Year 7 Activity Day 2
Pastoral Council
Yr 7 Activity Day 3 on campus
Yr 11/12 Lit Shakespeare excursion
AEP incursion period 1 and 2
Week 2
OLNA Yr 10-12
Pastoral: whole school assembly/ANZAC Service
Thursday Bell Times
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Anzac Ceremony @ Axford Park
Staff PD
Week 3
Academic Council
Netball HSC South 1 (Year 7-12 Netball Program)
Pastoral: Kelly/Rice Day
Production Tech Rehearsal
AEP incursion period 1 and 2
Production Dress Rehearsal
Year 9/12 Parish Mass P1
Mrs Ponton's English class incursion
10 Psych Murdoch excursion
Yr 7-12 League Tag Day (Yrs 7-12 girls rugby program students)
Production Evening Performance
Production Matinee and Evening Performance
Externally Set Tasks Begin
Week 4
Year 7/10/IEC Parish Mass P1
Young Writers' Collective Yr 9 and 10
Pastoral Council
ACC Championship Soccer One Day Carnival (Yr 10-12 Boys & Girls)
Seeds of Justice Conference
ACC Championship Netball One Day Carnival (Girls only)
Week 5
Pastoral: Lockdown
Music Recording Excursion
Netball HSC North 1 (Year 7-12)
LifeLink Launch Setup
2025 Academic scholarship applications close 4pm
2025 Br Kelly scholarship applications close 4pm
2025 Catherine McAuley scholarship applications close 4pm
Archbishop’s Secondary Schools Forum for LifeLink Day 2024
Year 7 and IEC Immunisations
Yr 12 Psych zoo excursion
Year 8 Retreat & Activity Days
12ATAR Drama practical exam
Year 10 Careers Day
Week 6
Year 11 & Year 12 ATAR Assessment Free Week
Year 11 and 12 ViSN Exams
Academic Council
Drama Monologue Evening
Yr 8-11 Gala Day Rugby 10's
ODE Year 11 Abseil/rock climbing 2
Advisory Council
Yr 9/10 Rugby League Day (9/10 rugby program students)
Academic Examination Day
Netball HSC South 2 (Years 7-8 10-12)
Year 9 Retreat & Activity Days
Externally Set Tasks Conclude
Week 7
Year 11 & Year 12 Semester One Examinations
ODE Year 10 (ODE Night Camp)
Pastoral Council
ACC X Country Carnival (All year groups)
Staff PD
WA Day Public holiday
Week 8
Yr 9 Media excursion
Parent workshop with Tracey Anthony
Year 11 and 12 Keeping Safe
Year 10 Semester One Examinations - Begin
Year 11 & 12 Senior Ball
Semester Two Begins for Year 11 & Year 12
Week 9
Year 10 Semester One Examinations - continue
Academic Council
ACC AFL Year & Boys & Girls One Day Carnival (Yr 7 Boys & Girls)
ONSITE Orientation - For Current & New Students
Music Recital Evening